Monday, January 26, 2009

Conflicts while talking

I always have the same conflict. Whenever I want to express, that a certain number of talks belong to the user, I say user.talks. No problem with that. 

But then there is such a like the talks a user participates in. Do I call these user.participated_talks? Ugly... I could switch the first one to user.my_talks or user.owned_talks. Not much better. Feels a bit crusty...

Not to mention the think-a-lots I stumble upon from time to time. Which one was what?

Any suggestions?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where is the tension?

In my opinion tension finds its place, where
  • people feel they are part of the party
  • people feel they are somehow limited, in size or in ability

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


  • text only
  • limit text length (twitter length ;-) )
  • images only
  • one image only
  • allow embedded video
  • allow hyperlinks (does the opposite make sense?)
  • allow javascript
  • talkers may add a message one after each other only (chess mode)
  • members may add others
  • allow comments
  • private talk only

Sunday, January 11, 2009

the idea

The idea is quite simple: invite others to talk about a certain topic, and allow the public to follow and listen to your convincing arguing. It's a somewhat mix of blogging, twittering, chatting and writing a letter (via snail or email or whatever).


Well, this blog about the development work on my new project, working title mt8 (pronounced 'empty eight'). Feel encouraged and invited to comment or if you'd like to contact me and help out doing things.